
BP Novice Eastに際して〜有元さんからの寄稿文〜


10月初旬に行われたBP Novice Eastに際して、JPDU代表の有元さんから寄稿文をいただきました。

優勝、Best Speakerという快挙、本当におめでとうございます!

例年は一年生と二年生のペア(または一年生同士のペア)が優勝をかけて争う大会だったBP Noviceですが、今年は一年生と二年生以上の大学生/大学院生のペアが出場するPro-Am大会として生まれ変わりました。




こんにちは、UTDS4年の有元万結です。実は高校同期である木對さんから、JPDUブログへの寄稿文のお話をいただき、大変光栄です。BP Novice Eastでは、UTDS一年の松村広大くんと組みました。この記事では大会前の準備、大会中、そして全体を終えた感想という順番で書かせていただきます。

1. 大会前の準備
1 学校の授業(例えば私の大学だと、現代中国の政治、現代アメリカ政治、ヨーロッパ政治史、ラテンアメリカ政治などの講義が開催されています。)授業は、体系的に、かつ効率的に政治について学べるいい機会だと思うのでぜひ通ってみてください。同じ路線で教科書も結構いいと思います。IRの教科書というよりは、歴史の教科書、近代史の教科書をバーっと読むといいですね。
2 日々のニュース:これは日本のヤフーニュースでもないより全然いいです。最初は体力つけることが大事なので、日本語の新聞でも読みやすいやつを読む練習をするといいかなと思います。習慣がついてきた方は、続けられる範囲でForeign Affairs, Foreign Policy, the Diplomat, the Economistなどを読むといいかなと思います。普通の新聞よりもう少し深い分析がある雑誌です。英語読むのが得意な方は、BBC, the Guardian, New York Times, Slate, the Atlantic, New Yorkerなどを、海外ディベーターは読んでいる印象なので、ぜひ当たってみてください。
3 モーションベースのリサーチ:そもそもこれって何?という感じでウィキペディアを読むことが最初です。(英語版のウィキは大変オススメです。)ただ、ウィキペディアだと情報過多に陥りやすいので、よくBBCに本当に概略的にまとまっていることがあるのでそういうのも当たってみてください。
4 追加で:Youtube のcaspian reportめちゃオススメです。わかりやすいですし分析もしっかりしていると思います。こんな感じで好きなものを見つけて持続的にして行くのが大事だと思います。
  ただ、少し注釈として加えたいのは、IRはリサーチしすぎても勝てない、ということです。情報が多いことより、きちんとハーム?ベネフィット?が大事に見えることがIRで勝つのに一番大事だし、それをすることがIRは情報がありすぎるため非常に難しいと思います。なのでリサーチは大事ですが、end all be all solutionではないことに注意していきたいですね(自戒の意も込めて)。

ラウンド① (CO)
THW not give medical treatment to patients of attempted suicide
(どっちでも使える) https://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/08/well/live/after-a-suicide-attempt-the-risk-of-another-try.html
ラウンド② (OG)
(長いインフォスライドの後)THR the China Vatican deal on the appointment of bishops

ラウンド③ (CG)
THBT liberal democracies should actively combat the rise of right wing populism



ラウンド④ (OO)
THBT the feminist movement should seek a ban on contents that sexually objectify women


もし参考になれば幸いです。特にStanford のPhilosophyは非常に使えるので、ぜひ他の記事も読むといいと思います。









そこで今回は、Best Adjudicator Awardを獲得されたMotoki Luxmiwattanaさんに寄稿文を依頼しました!



Hi everyone, I am Motoki Luxmiwattana from Thailand.  While I am currently a Research Student in Tokyo University (basically a limbo state before getting into the actual postgrad course), for those of you who know (or are old enough?), I used to be in Chulalongkorn University.  In any case, I was asked to write something up as the dude who got the Best Adjprize in Osawa Cup 2018so here I am.  I hope this piece will be potentially useful, or at the very least, not a waste of time for you!

To Begin With, Let’s Talk About Osawa Cup
You guys may not know this, but Osawa Cup – a.k.a. the infamous Cosplay Tournament – has a bit of name value in circuits outside of Japan.  We have seen pictures of Japanese debaters dressing up  from bed sheet ghosts to Darth Vader himself – and giving speeches on the podium.  This time, I had the chance to see it up close – and bloody hell, I was dumbfounded.  YOU GUYS ARE WAY TOO SERIOUS ABOUT DRESSING UP. (褒め言葉です)  In one round, I saw tetris blocks (yes you read that right, for any foreign debater reading this) giving speeches for Christ’s sake.  
And you see, I think this entire concept behind the tournament is amazing.  I think someone said something similar in the closing ceremony  it is about creating a venue where debating is fun, not just because the activity itself is fun, but also because the people who are gathered here are interesting human beings with whom you may have common interests and hobbies.  Someone dressing up as the Joker (I think therewas both the Heath Ledger-style and Jared Leto-style in the tournament) could open up some conversations about the DC universe and the filmmaking skill of Christopher Nolan.  Someone dressing up as Lelouch and C.C. from Code Geasscould open up conversations about your favorite anime.  (My favorite is still the Saint Young Men team, by the way.
The possibility is endless, but the point, I think, is finding that “fun” thing about other debaters that may or may not have to do with debate.  When I look back to my undergrad years(which is a while, lol), I realized that was also one big reason why I spent time going to international tournaments:  because the people there are generally fun to hang around!  OsawaCup, with its interesting, somewhat peculiar Japanese twist, seems to embody that “fun factor” of debate tournaments.  What I am trying to say here is this:  debaters of the world, socialize!  …Okay, may be that was too brazenly Marxist in its tone, but you get the idea.
Motoki-san is so serious while judging, 
though there are funny cosplaying debaters. 

On Judging
So I was lucky enough to receive the Best Adjudicator prize.  Allow me, from this position of likely short-lived, temporary status of power and authority (insert evil laughter), to discuss what I try to do in my adjudication and feedbacks.  These are not really tips or techniques – they are more of my personal ethics/style in adjudication. 

1) Care about the process:  specifically, the analytical process the speaker is going through in order to explain their point.  Many arguments in debate tend to have similar premise with similar conclusions – the “cookie cutter” or “canned” versions of the arguments, so to speak.  But that is not a reason to assume the nature and specificity of the analysis just because they are using the tagline you have heard somewhere else.  Someone might be experimenting on new arguments, while someone else might simply not know the canned version of analysis.  In either case, it is the “duty” of the adjudicator to track that thought process, and assess the persuasiveness of the speech based on that.  
This is part of the reason why, if you have heard my adjudication/feedback at some point, you might have heard me trying to quote what the debater said.  I feel it is important for the adjudicator to not only “take into account” the unique twists and turns the round took, but also make sure that the debaters are aware how that uniqueness affected the way the adjudicator thinks.  This does not mean unique arguments are automatically better – on the contrary, it could be less persuasive.  In either case, it is important to comment on those specific analysis so that the debaters can A) properly assess the adjudicator and B) improve with those creativity they may have even further, not just falling back to the “canned” version of how that argument “should” be run.

2) Care about explaining yourself:  related to the previous point, we as adjudicators owe it to the debaters to explain why we decided to “take (取る)” certain points and did not in some other cases.  Explain the source of doubt you had to certain arguments – was it intuitively strange?  Was it being attacked by some other team?  Was it an incomplete argument that had a gap?  Was it something you understood and was convinced that the statement is true, but they did not explain how that links back to the round?  Conversely, if you felt certain arguments were convincing, what were the analysis that was said that convinced you?  These are questions that can only be answered through the way the round unfolded – hence the relation to the first point of caring about the specific process of thought presented in the round.  
Sometimes, as adjudicators, we have that nagging feeling something just does not sound right.  If the reason that is happening is because of my own bias, what I would do is to firstly shut out that bias as much as possible.  But also importantly, sometimes the only way you can resolve the situation is through relying on such bias – if that is the case, explain why that had to come in to the round (often times, it is because debaters are making claim against counterclaims that do not properly clash, and leave you to “pick one,” so to speak).
Make no mistake, the adjudicator stepping in to the debate is highly problematic.  It is just that sometimes it is unavoidable (this in itself is a controversial statement, by the way).  The point is, be aware of what you are doing – and explain that thought process to the debaters.

3) Care about timing, a.k.a. “dynamics”:  specifically, the question of “when was that said?”  The hypothetical situation is this:  the Member of Opposition did not do that well, but laid out the arguments.  The Government Whip responds to those lackluster version of Closing Opposition case, which makes you feel “ah, they have done enough.”  Then the Opposition Whip comes in to re-package, and really make all the arguments that MO said sound very, very unique and impactful.  What will you do?
To be honest, I do not think there is an automatic answer to this (like many other things in debate, hahaha).  What I want to emphasize here is to also consider the “timing” that certain arguments, responses, POIs, etc. were brought up – because those often SHOULD affect the way the adjudicator see the round.  After the round, the adjudicator is in the position of having a “God’s view” when they look through the notes, assessing individual points.  We see how certain argument from LO interacts with MG and vice versa – but were those “interactions” something that happened in the round?  In other words, what was the “timing” that the interaction happened, and how “conscious” were the debaters of those interaction?
This may sound trivial, but it is something I try to pay attention to.  I personally feel that it is the best way to “reflect” what actually happened between the 8 (or 6, depending on the format) individuals who spent an hour discussing an issue.  This obviously is not the most correct way to adjudicate rounds, and might even be a double-edged sword – it might make you over-penalize or over-credit a team based your perception that “they were not conscious” in the worst case – so do take this with a grain of salt.  From my experience, though, it has been somewhat useful in the course of my adjudication, so I will just throw it out there.

In Conclusion
This is getting a bit too long, so I will wrap things up.  The points I discussed earlier are not “strategy” or “techniques” –these imply a method that makes you succeed/improve in the competition – they are not meant to be that preachy.  Instead, they are things that I want to pay attention to because certain adjudications I have been inspired by (even when they gave me the loss) seemed to have these features.  They did not simply justify why I lost – they told me how, and when I was winning or losing.  Those are things I strive to emulate in my adjudications – it is just as simple as that.
Also, I am open to cosplay suggestions for next year’s OsawaCup, in case for some random devilish reason I become interested in dressing up.  Nothing too weird, please. :)
Congratulations on the Best adj Award!
Looking forward to seeing your amazing cosplay next year.


JPDU Autumn Tournamentに際して〜Khac Hungさんからの寄稿文〜



今回は、JPDU Autumn Tournamentの特集です!

Autumn Tournamentでは、出場者の大学名を隠し、できるだけ大学名によるジャッジングへの影響を防ぐという試みが行われました。


見事優勝した、九州大のKhac Hungさんに寄稿文をいただきました。


Hi, I’m Khac Hung from QUDS (Kyushu University Debate Section). It’s my honor to share my unforgettable experience in JPDU Autumn tournament on this blog. I’m not good at writing so my apology for any typo, grammar mistake in this blog. I’d like to divide this into 3 questions:
a) How did we go to AkiT
b) How did we do in AkiT
c) My thought on AkiT
Now, let’s start with the first a) How did we go to AkiT
The decision of participating in AkiT was all of a sudden, it was in a regular practice before ABP when my juniors suddenly suggested team Hung-Momo going to AkiT, and we like, sound cool, let’s do it! That’s how we went to AkiT.
Two weeks before AkiT, our team participated in Asian BP, the biggest BP tournament in Asia and was crushed there. But thanks to that experience, we found out our weak points, how to fix it and also how to make our teamwork smoother. Moreover, we decided to turn our nightmare in ABP into encouragement to do better in AkiT.

We can see how much your friends are glad with your perfect result!!!!!

That’s how we went to AkiT, then, b) how did we do in AkiT?
On the first day of the tournament, I was not in good condition. Lack of sleep and tiredness of traveling (all the way from Vietnam) stopped my head to think properly. And Momo was late. By “late” I mean really really late, we were the last team doing register and it was just 30 seconds before registration ended. So the lesson learned is that, sometimes the margin between winning the tournament and losing chance to break is just about 30 seconds, so make sure that you register on time.
One thing I want to mention in the first day of the tournament is the anonymous team code system. Briefly, this is the system which alter institution team’s names with a random name. For example, our team from Kyushu University, but instead of the usual name QU A, we got a pretty cool team code called Flying Money. The purpose of this system is to eradicate the bias of judges and teams during prep time and during the round as much as possible, thus it gives equal chances for all team to get a fair judgement. And it worked, at least for our team. Before every rounds, we had no idea about what teams we are going to debate with or who they are, the 15-minute prep time was purely used to prepare the best case in our ability for our team instead of the oh-my-god-how-can-we-win-again-this-person stuffs. Thanks to team code system and our smooth teamwork, we managed to break 6th after the first day.
The out-rounds on the second day were absolute amazing experience for me. In QUDS we have a jinx that QU team will always lose after the first out-round, and our team broke that jinx by proceeding to the grand final of this tournament. But more importantly, each round on the second day gave me important lesson to improve my debating. In Quarter Final I learned that engagement from closing is very important, and we need to highlight our extensions as much as possible in order to win over opening. From Semi Final I learned the importance of contextualization and how O.G should set up the debate. In the Grand Final, I learned that as debaters, it’s important to broaden our knowledge, from daily news to general knowledge of economy, laws, philosophy etc. I think all of us learned these lessons from our seniors in the very first day when we started debating. However, the fact that our team won the tournament by practicing and using all the basics emphasized the importance of those lessons. Of course, we were also very lucky, but as my honorable partner Senran Tao a.k.a Momo always say, we need to practice so that when luck comes, we are able to convert it into concreted achievements.

c) My thought on AkiT
In my perspective, I really enjoyed this year autumn nationals. The motions, from prelims rounds to out-rounds, were great and challenging. I personally really like the quarter and semi rounds’ motions. Thank you adjudication core for these interesting and educational motions. Furthermore, the whole tournament ran smoothly without long delay, many thanks to committees and tab team for such great tournament. Last but not least, thank you all the adjudicators for judging and giving us lots of useful comment, we will revise them carefully and be better.

I would like to end my blog here, thank you for reading until the end.
What a nice photo of QU A!
Congratulations on your achievement!










高校生の活躍のみならず、数々の先輩ジャッジを抑え、Best Adjudicator Awardを獲得したのは、2年生の浅尾さんでした!!!!


皆様ごきげんよう。学習院大学2年の浅尾 碧城です。

  1. まずはBest Adjを取れたことに関する感謝。半年間の逆転劇
  2. いわゆる中小大学の皆様へ。自分の環境を最大限活用する方法を考える


2. 自分の環境を活用する。
 学習院の問題は、1)リソースの蓄積がうまくいっていない事 2)練習に人が少ない事 3)モチベーションに差がある という点にあるなあと感じていました。逆に他の大学に絶対に負けないところは1)大学の立地 2)部屋を借りやすいこと にありました。なので、自大の練習を常に公開し、誰でもこれる状況にすることを考えました。近隣の大学の練習時間を踏まえて、みんなが来やすいような状況にしたり、個人的に人脈を作って練習に来てもらったりするようにしました。自分の大学でいい練習ができれば、他大にいくことが難しい人でも上達する機会が得られます。

3. 夢中にならないと楽しくない
