





Id like to divide this entry into the following three sections.

1. Before the Competition
2. Competition Day 
3. Thoughts 

1. Before the Competition 

 I joined KDS around a month before the competition, and our practices mainly consisted of rounds and lectures. Although Ive debated for around three years, I learned a lot in this sliver of time by returning to the basics. I focused particularly on improving the structure of my speech - its a lot easier for the judge to record my ideas when Im properly numbering and signposting. There were also tweaks in the way I made rebuttal - numbering was a key component of the layered refutation, as the dimensions to which I was referring to needed to be clear and readily understood by the judge. I did not have time to practice with my partner before the competition, as he was incredibly busy - which is to be expected. I remember panicking at one of the practice rounds at KDS after clashing with the other, well-coordinated teams. The full force of the deputy speech, especially in NA style, was something I came to apprehend. Therefore, my goal was to be able deliver a substantive that could withstand deputy opposition, to the extent where I would be able to still present it in my reply. Having a readily comprehensible structure and integrating deep analysis/analogies would prove to be of incredibly importance, especially in the competition. 

2. Competition Day 

 In this section, Id like to briefly present the case we provided in each round, along with some of my personal thoughts.

R1: THW ban homeschooling

 We were judges. The crux of the debate was ultimately the characterization of the people that each side wanted to protect. Are they the impoverished or deeply religious, deprived of quality education like the Government describes, or are they the severely bullied, mentally unstable individuals on the verge of committing suicide like Opposition says? Both characterizations are plausible, and their respective principles rest on its veracity and urgency. I realized that I, as a speaker, have the burden of clarifying the contrasting contextualizations if I want to win. On another note, it was the first time that I judged a round in an actual competition - and it was heavy. 

R2: THBT media should not broadcast news of suicide

 We were Opposition, and were up against an adept WAD team. Our case for Round 1 was as follows. The act of committing suicide is not recognized as something that is bad in all instances - the right to bodily autonomy is something inherently of value. Therefore, it is wrong, in principle, to impose a policy that openly condemns the act. Social discourse and the ensuing societal consensus is of greater importance because of suicides controversiality. However, we concede that there are regrettable cases of suicide prompted from systematic issues in society. On this, suicide coverage is important in highlighting the structural problems that exist in corporations, culture, etc. 
 I was told (and did feel) as if I were reading a script, without actually understanding the material. I got the lowest score in this round, and came to understand the gravity of being honest - I should have put more emphasis in my comprehension of the arguments, before I loaded on more substantives. This cookie cutter argument, however, would prove to be of grave importance on my next round. 

R3: THW not allow individuals to take life prolonging treatments

 We were Opposition, and were up against the Joint team. Our case for Round 2 was as follows. While Government raised the importance of the utilitarianism calculus in a paradigm with limited resources, we cast doubt on the extent to which resources were limited, and elaborated the importance for individuals to decide for themselves whether they want to live or not. This empirical decision has to be made by the individuals - the state has no or a comparatively inferior method of understanding the needs of the terminally ill. 
 This round was just awesome for me, as we were all students or alumni of the same high school debate club. Although I felt that the Government was at a disadvantage from the get-go, the debate was nonetheless very heated. It was also nerve-wrecking to speak before a bigger audience - I guess thats what I get for teaming with one of the living legends. 

R4: TH regrets the use of civilian spyware applications between couples such as Dr. Fone, Spyera, and FlexiSpy that allow users to track phones, text messages, and all media and applications on the phone

 We were Government, and were up against another strong WAD team. Our case for Round 3 was as follows. First, owing to the inherent power balance in a romantic relationship, abusing the spyware legitimizes the infringement and eventual nullification of privacy within individuals. Second, the existence of such spyware invites irrational paranoia between couples when they find out that their partners are talking to other people. Lastly, the spyware gives rise to a norm that the mutual and complete provision of information between individuals is a prerequisite in a relationship, which lead to other collateral harms (such as reluctance to start relationships)
 This was likely the iconic love motion for this years Elizabeth Cup, and I have to say I really enjoyed the illustrations my partner and I provided (I was teased for being way too explicit and hyper”). Although the motion was initially difficult to prepare for, the round was a most pleasurable one to conclude the competition with. 

3. Thoughts 

 One of the senpai I revere told me that this competition was more about making friends than winning. I think he was right. I was able to socialize with the new people I would be debating with, both within my club and out, which was tremendous fun. I was delighted to meet people who shared similar ambitions to become better speakers, and spark new friendships and rivalries. I was also able to catch up with old friends and kouhai, and meaningfully discuss about the future of debate (maybe a tad too early for a 1st year)
*Senpai is a Japanese honorific used when someone is older than you in age or they have more experience in a field than you. The opposite being Kouhai.
 Aside from the social, I am immensely grateful to my partner, Mitsushi senpai, for his participating with me and for continuously supporting me throughout. It was because of his advice that I was able to improve with each round, and I cannot thank him enough for giving me a goal that I can strive for. It is now my ambition to become an individual that can support others the way you supported me. Thank you so much. 
 Lastly, but definitely not least, I would like to express my gratitude to the all the individuals that made this competition so memorable. To the staff members who worked day and night to organize and execute, to the strong teams that we had heated rounds with, to the kind people that I was able to meet and befriend. Thank you all. 
 I didnt expect this entry to become this sappy, and I hope you didnt cringe as much as I did. Thank you for reading until the end.
Congratulations on your achievement!



Nagoya Debate Openに際して〜小野さんからの寄稿文〜


本日は、名古屋で行われたNagoya Debate Openで優勝し、ベストスピーカーに輝いた小野さんから、素敵な寄稿文をいただきました!


Mitsushi Ono

 I managed to win Nagoya Debate Open 2018 and got the best speaker prize.
I really appreciate my regular partner Sayaka and Yuki Tominaga! They were love sexy. This is my 30th victory. But I'm not tired at all and my journey will continue.Because this is my memorable victory as “30 times champion“ goal being achieved, it seems that writing a blog is a great chance for me to revisite why I’m still debating and will continue and what “Love Sexy” is.

●Why are you teaming up with same people with similar team name?
  Because I always want to create my dream case rather winning rounds. My dream ”Love Sexy” case is a profoundly substantiated basic case based on regularly strong arguments with just a little bit twists,originality, and creativity embedded. In order to construct such a case, teaming up with same people makes much sense to me. You know? Making a regular argument strongly is the most difficult thing to do.

  It’s like a film production team. The film-director has tendency to hire same actors, producers, screenwriters, and other staffs in creating any new film. Similar staffing does not shrink creativity. It’s opposite. It expands creativity because highly aligned communication enables the team to expedite execution of basic workflow extremely efficiently. Additional creativity and twists always come after basic necessity is sufficiently fulfilled.

  Constructing a case for Parliamentary debate requires the similar strategy. What should be and  is expected to be proven needs to be explained first of all, which is called “burdens of proof” by debaters. We need highly aligned communication and preparation process to quickly identify burdens of proof and core issues that would influence dynamics of the round. I do not want to waste much time on this. I personally want to finish this specific task within approximately 5 minutes. What I really want to focus on comes after this. My creative priority and personal preference is how to drastically deepen and profoundly substantiate the basic and regular arguments, not creating tricky arguments. Creative and tricky analyses are just used to deepen basic and regular assertion/idea.

How do I understand each speaker’s role in 3 on 3?

     ⚪︎1st Speaker; All About Direction
     ⚪︎2nd Speaker; Engine Room
     ⚪︎3rd Speaker; Order from Chaos

  The above is how I understand each speaker’s role. This is, indeed, not my personal understanding. This specific definitional expression was written in the official rule guideline for All Asian or something in the long time ago according to my former coach Andrew Nishizaki. So this definition used to be the standard and common expectation in the debate community. Now this norm has gone somewhere and many different local rules exists, which isn’t necessarily bad, but I still believe those 3 expressions listed above critically encompass the expected role. It’s up to individual how to interpret “All About Direction”, “Engine Room”, and “Order from Chaos” but I would like to briefly introduce my metaphysical image for speaker's role. I apologize in advance if this metaphor rather confuses people and I’m sure it will.

  For me, 1st speaker is an actor/actress. As a Whip, I usually create a scenario and script and the leader as an actor has to act drama based on the script. The actor has to represent the spirit of the drama and direction of the story and also convey the ideological world views so that the judges and audience are able to figure out what the story is about and where the story is going. Remember that you usually decide whether to continue watching any drama/anime at the 1st episode. I think you do the same for cherry picking films in Amazon/Netflix/Hulu. If the introductory part lacks a strong impression, you lose interests and that is a natural reaction. Therefor very 1st sentence at the beginning of the leader speech is everything. The first introductory sentence represents the spirit of the case and what the story is about. Within next 1 mins, judges and audience can tell whether we’re Libertarians, Neo-liberals, 3rd wave feminists, Retributive Justice carrier, Structuralists,  Pro-choice, and so on, which I call ideological world views. Not only team stance but also such a world view must to be sufficiently conveyed. I would not like to refer to tactical tips for executing this function such as explaining model, context, scope, definition, burden control and so on but I just want to clarify the image here. Point is that direction and storyline is more important than detail and mechanism at this point. That is 2nd speaker’s role. Of course it would be better if the 1st speech is detailed. But detailed mechanism with juxtaposition of random materials without storyline does not make any sense to audience. In NDO, I finished writing the script within 10 mins by including/adding others’ ideas as well and conducted the detailed rehearsal(読み合わせ) with Sayaka for the rest of time. In rehearsal I read out my script and Sayaka re-wrote it in her own note while checking the order of each argument, within each argument what to explain first, which examples to emphasize, what rethorics to use for sign-posting, and most importantly how much time to spare for each part. I usually dedicate my preparation time to this alignment and do not prepare for my own speech. Every single important essence should be centralized into leader’s speech so it does not make any sense to spare materials for your speech in the purpose of increasing speake’s score.

  For me 2nd speaker’s speech is like a producer/assistant director. Detailed-oriented person is suitable for this role. Stability and accuracy is required. 2nd speaker has to tactically and comprehensively cover everything and must not drop anything. Producers and assistant directors are dealing with many miscellaneous tasks such as scheduling, finance, supervision of assets and so on so that the director and the actors are able to focus on their creative roles. Usually 2nd speaker’s role is most difficult to describe because this role is very flexible and expected move largely depends on the situation of each round. In my understanding “Engine Room” means providing lot of materials to “progress” the round. But the question is what type of materials should be provided? My answer and what I expect for our Love Sexy case is that Deputy should provide materials that are 1) strengthening leader's speech such as mechanism and examples, and 2) relevant to the core issues especially engagement to the opponent’s main argument. Some 2nd speakers add completely new and creative idea to the round from colorful perspectives and that is of curse wonderful but to be honest  I don’t need those for my Love Sexy case in 3 on 3 style. I prefer such contribution for closing half in BP. This is exactly why stability and accuracy are more important than creativity here. Creative framing of regularly strong analyses is effective, but idea and analysis itself does not have to be either creative or tricky. If idea is too tricky, it is hard for Whip to incorporate them into the main clash points and frame them as important issues in the round. It requires a high-level framing ability that only a few people have.

 Finally about Whip. For me this role is like a film critic. What is required is a balance between macro critique and micro engagement. Either of these two is not good enough and Whip always needs to fulfill both simultaneously. As a famous saying such as “Penny wise, pound foolish” “Can’t see wood for trees” indicates, refuting small logical flow without overviewing the round is dangerous and myopic. My former coach at ADI, Sharmila framed Whip in Asian as” Machine-gun” and Whip in BP as “Surgeon's knife”. My preferebal balance for Asian whip is 80% machine gun and 20% surgeon’s knife. BP is that of 60% vs 40%.

I usually use my introduction for macro-critique and overview of the defects in the opponent’s case such as inconsistency, contradiction, insufficient fulfillment of burdens of proof, logical fallacy, hidden assumption, unfair contextualization and so on. The point is administrating impression which colors eyes of judges and audience is important here. If successful, the rest of speech is consumed by judges and audience in the already biased lenz, which increases the chance in which your team will get vote because the rest of speech sounds important.

As for micro-engagement, the extent of concession is the key. The extent of concession is about which part of the assertion you deny and which part you concede.
One of the most common rebuttal tips is known as “flip”, which means entirely conceding the phenomenon and only attacking value judgement. This symbolically represents importance of concession. But you can more delicately control the extent of concession like gradation/spectrum shown in the above. For example, you can concede opponent’s analyses on status quo and only attack analysis on changes by the policy.

  I would not like to mention to tips for reply speech here but one thing that I emphasize is that for me reply speech is the most creative role in the round. I’ve been emphasizing importance of adherence to basics and my strategy may sound a bit too processy but when it comes to reply speech, it is no longer necessary to cater to rules. Just prove why you won in the round with whatever possible way . That is all. Reply speech is often described as biased judge and I think that metaphor appropriately represents the core expected role.
So what?
  There are diverse ways in which you can enjoy debating. But I would emphasize that real creativity always comes after basic requirement is satisfactorily fulfilled. Otherwise creative idea might just ends up being a self-satisfaction, which is unfortunate and embarrassing. It is good to have the attitude of challenging conventional and traditional methods. But paradoxically, mastering established methods enables individuals to challenge the pre-existing norm effectively. I know that complying with common rule is boring. Common sense is often your enemy. But just understand your enemy to defeat your enemy.

May the force be with you.



TDとはTournament Directorの略で、大会運営の責任者ということです。



こんにちは!エリザベス杯TDを務めましたICUDS 2年の和田真優実です!

私、個人の認識では、エリザベス杯は先輩が春から入ってきたキラキラの一年生をdebate沼に沈める debateの魅力を伝える大会だと思っています。

実は今まで大会運営から疎遠だった私は、今までの先輩方がどのように大会を運営してたのか知らずに、エリザベ杯のTDすることを決めました。慣れないこともあり、色々バタバタしましたが、周りの協力のおかげで、なんとか無事に大会運営できました! 本当にありがとうございます!TDが頼りにならないので、みんなしっかり自分の仕事だけではなく、積極的に動いてくれたので助かりました。


 • ORにぎゅうぎゅうに詰められたdebaterたち
 • コミを紹介するオープニングの時の大会当日を迎えれたことへの盛大な拍手。
 • Motion発表の盛り上がり。
  エリザベス杯では毎年の慣習としてLove Motionがありますが何ラウンド目に出すかは規定はありません。まだかまだかと雰囲気が盛り上がっていくの見ていて幸せでした。先輩debater(特に前の方にいた人たち)が場を盛り上げていて嬉しかったです。
 • スコアシートにあったコミへの労いの言葉!!

 • クロージングでの拍手、運営お疲れ様!楽しかった!の声
  朝早い〜 ((コミの朝はもっと早い>ω<)
 アロケまだ〜 ((色々変更があるんです>ω<)

とか、言ってました(>ω<) 反省。先代のコミの皆様、感謝します!!


4)最後に一言  大会楽しい。







4月に行われたJPDU Spring TournamentはJPDU主催の大会のはずなのに、まだブログをアップしていません。




こんにちは。縁あってJPDU Blogに文章を書かせていただくことになりました、ICU3年の宮脇雄斗と申します。いつかJPDU Blogに文章を書いてみたいと思っていたので、このオファーは感謝の限りです。今回私が書くのはICU主催の新入生歓迎大会、エリザベス杯(通称エリザベ)についてです。この大会にFinancial Director, Tournament Coordinator, そしてディベーターとブラック企業耐性が身につくようなマルチタスクをこなす経験を積む貴重な機会をいただいたので、色々な側面から独断と偏見を元に綴ってみようかと思います。


僕は競争主義の否定はしませんし、競争の中で洗練された議論が生まれていくと思っていますし、JPDU Tournamentや他の大会の真剣な雰囲気も大好きです。でも、一方でこうした様々なモチベーションの人達が一堂に会して楽しめるような、お祭り的な感覚の大会も、色々な人達にディベートという競技を好きになってもらうためには大切なのかな、と思います。いつかは、ディベート界が更に一般的に認知された身近な世界になっているといいですね!


コミ(運営メンバーの略称)は目に見えないけど必要不可欠なものです。僕が今回Financial Director(財政担当)Tournament Coordinator(景品、細かいアメニティ用意担当)を務めただけでも仕事は結構ありました。具体的には参加チーム数を確定した時点で予算案を組み、細かい小銭を用意するため銀行で大量の硬貨を両替、続いて当日コミ(当日ボランティアとして大会運営を助けてくださる人達)の交通費用意、景品選定、ゴミ袋から景品まで様々な物の買い足し等々。11つの作業はさほど重いわけではありませんが、数えてみると結構多くの仕事をやっていました。
ディベートという競技が13~4試合頭をフル回転させてる故ハードなものとされ、運営の仕事に時折目が向きにくくなっちゃいますが、運営の仕事も積極的に賞賛されるべきだと思います。特にJPDU Tournament2日間大会などは、見るからにコミが終盤疲弊してる様子が垣間目撃されるので、この疲労が大会前からずっと蓄積されてきていたものだと思うと、感謝してもしきれないくらいです。
近年はCommittee fee(運営メンバーへの給料)や大会終了時に運営メンバーを前に呼んで拍手するなど、徐々に裏方仕事へリスペクトを払う風潮がどんどん強くなっているので、こうした雰囲気はすごく大事にされてほしいですね。
ここまで書くとコミの仕事が罰ゲームのように見えてきますが、大会運営にはいい側面も沢山あります。ICUで主催している国際大会、ICU Tournamentで運営を務めた時などは、確かに疲労は恐ろしいものだったし、なかなかあれは2度も3度も出来るようなものではありませんが、その代わり只ならぬ達成感と充実感を味わうことができたからです。コミには勝ち負けがないので大会のChampionにはなれませんが、達成感はディベーターと同様に味わうことができます。もうちょっと下衆な話をするのであれば、大規模な大会を運営したという経験は就活にも使えるネタになるだろうし、今後の人生の糧にもなると思うので、精神的な自己満足だけに留まらないことでしょう。まあ実際に就活や人生に活きるのかどうかは、僕の人生が終わってから聞いてください。それかOBOGにでも聞いてください。













所信表明 2018年度JPDU代表より

































結果としては個人で8th Best(8位が5人いたのでギリギリ)、チームでは優勝をすることができました。聞いた話だとイニシャルではこっちが1票負けていたらしいのでディスカッション制様様ですね笑。











Grand Finalist
Utsunomiya A

Semi Finalists
Love Sexy Tax Heaven

Quarter Finalists
"千手の涯 届かざる闇の御手 映らざる天の射手 光を落とす道 火種を煽る風 集いて惑うな 我が指を見よ 光弾・八身・九条・天経・疾宝・大輪・灰色の砲塔 弓引く彼方 皎皎として消ゆ"
Imatak A
All we need is quantity

Pre Quarter Finalists 
glory Duelists
Donate your hair to PP
Workaholic & Babyholic

Rookie Champion

Rookie Grand Finalist

Rookie Semi Finalists

1 Hikari Tamura
2 Marc Kasahara
3 Chikara Mizokami
4= Ryoya Peter Kurauchi
4= Mas Urano
4= Takeru Uchiyama
7 Mitsushi Ono
8= Mayu Arimoto
8= Tamane Sasaki
8= Naoki Enomoto
8= Tota Takahashi
8= Yutaro Kurihara
1 Tota Takahashi
2= Takua Baba
2= Masayuki Kubo
4 Kotaro Asano
5= Miyu Takaoka
5= Yuki Okita